ROS-Enable API for easy integration with the KUK iiwa LBR collaborative robot
An API for the KUKA Intelligent Industrial Work Assistant (iiwa) Lightweight Robot (LBR). This API builds upon the safety embedded within the KUKA iiwa to allow close working and interaction with operators. It brings the functionality into the RobotOperating System (ROS), which provides a distributed development environmentallowing multiple new modalities of devices to interface easily.

We have now transitioned to GitHub for all future development. You first need to install Git. The most current version of the API can be downloaded by typing into a shell:
git clone https://github.com/jonaitken/KUKA-IIWA-API.git API --origin upstream
If you want to get updates and bug fixes you can go to some checked-out directory, and type:
git pull
If "git pull" prints out a message telling it cannot pull the remote changes because you have changed files locally, you may have to commit locally and merge your changes, or stash them temporarily and then apply back the stash; for that, we recommend that you read about how Git works